Mihály Sipos

Mihály Sipos, violin
Sipos was born in 1948 in Budapest, Hungary. His ancestors from his father's side were shepherds, his grandmother knew their old songs and dances. The grandfather of Sipos on his mother's side was a great singer and the lover of the classical music, the first violin was given to the little child Sipos by him. He became a pupil of one of the famous music schools established by Zoltán Kodály where he started to play the violin at his age of seven. He studied the classical violin for 11 years. He started to be involved in the traditional music since 1972. In 1973 he founded the group Muzsikas with his two friends, Dániel Hamar and Sándor Csoóri. He became the "primás" of the band. Beside of the violin he plays the "citera" in Muzsikás. He is the coordinator between the Muzsikás and the guest classical musicians.